October hours: 3, total hours: 3 I went to volunteer at the Broadmoor food pantry this month and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. I helped arrange and sort the food in bags for the people who may be food insecure. I also helped assist people as they were coming in with whatever they needed such as bringing the food bags to their cars. I also helped with the set up and take down of the food pantry. There were several experienced Tulane undergraduate students who were helping lead the volunteer program. I hope to continue volunteering at the Broadmoor food pantry and may explore different roles such as cooking in the kitchen. The curriculum is also progressively picking up as we had our cardiovascular and ANS test which I believed to be more dense than our previous tests. It was interesting to learn about many of the cardiovascular drugs such as beta blockers as well as the cholinergic pharmacological drugs. In addition, this unit was more strongly related to current and form...